How can I cancel my Tembo subscription?

You can cancel your Tembo Plus / Premium subscription at any time. The exact instructions how to do so depend on which platform you initially created your subscription:

Google Play Store (Android)

From the Tembo Android app, you can access the subscription settings from the "Subscribe" button at the bottom of the screen. From this screen you can swipe between the Plus & Premium tiers, if you are currently subscribed to one of these tiers a "Manage Subscription" button should be visible at the bottom of your screen. This button will take you to the Google Play Store where you are able to cancel your subscription.

Keep in mind that if you cancel a subscription, you will still have access to the subscription for the remainder of the current billing period, but you will not be charged again when the billing period ends.

If you're having trouble canceling a subscription, you can also try contacting us for assistance.